Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga is a fantastic way to regain lost flexibility, heal old injuries or ailments and to help realign physical imbalances allowing you to feel younger, restoring full mobility so you can live life to the full.

Hot Yoga (32-36 Degrees Celsius) the best way to get warm, increase flexibility, heal your body and strengthen all the most important muscles.

After retiring from 12 years of professional Taekwon Do and Thai Boxing my body was exhausted and broken. I’d had 2 reconstructive knee operations, I’d dislocated my collar bone and sustained severe whip lash and could hardly get my hand above my head, kneeling down was impossible and I couldn’t bend over to put my socks on in the morning without extreme pain. I was 34 and didn’t know where to turn! I stumbled upon Hot Yoga because of a very good friend and after just one session I’d seen remarkable benefits in my flexibility and general sense of well being. After just 3 months of Hot Yoga I’d regained full range of motion in my knee and shoulder, have full mobility in my lower back and absolutely NO PAIN literally EVER.  I can breath, I have no asthma, I stand upright not hunched and most of all I feel well.

Perfect for all ages and abilities, there are however a few people that we would advise doing warm/regular yoga due to medical conditions. If you have any of the following we advise you try our warm yoga class instead;

High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease a Pace Maker or other heart related illnesses. Also if you are pregnant we recommend you attend a Yoga class with qualified pregnancy trained instructors and if you have Anaemia the Hot Yoga may be too much for you.

£12 for non members
£10 for members

Pre booking essential.

Please ENSURE you bring a mat, towel and drink.

Vicky, you are amazing. After six weeks of moping around on crutches and trying to 'rest', I have a one hour (pretty painful!) massage with you and I'm feeling rather hopeful of running at bootcamp. Thank you! :)
Vickie Hugh-Jones - Vfit Bootcamper