Kettle Cardio

Kettle Cardio mashes together all of the most important aspects of health and fitness in to this mighty 45min workout. Cardio, plyo, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance make up this homegrown Vfit belly busting giant. Moderate intensity 16+ only. Unmissable!

Kettle Cardio is designed by your very own Vfit Instructor Team…  Kettle bell training first originated in Russia and is reported to have been around since the 1700’s, used in Russia originally to train the military and used today to strengthen, tone and sculpt bodies all over the world this unrivalled training system is now one of the biggest fitness giants on the market today and for good reason.

The fastest way to strengthen your core, posterior connective chain and incinerate body fat through 7 simple yet fun exercises.  At Vfit we have decided to mix this masterful training system with some high intensity interval training to double it’s effectiveness for burning fat and toning up.

45 min long focussing on increasing bone density, growing long strong functional muscles. Combined with fast paced choreography means we burn loads of calories and get that unmissable endorphin release and awesome after burn feeling.

Moderate intensity – ideal for all levels and ages. If you have an y joint f mobility issues please contact us before booking.

What to expect:

  • Choreographed routines so you monitor your progress
  • Fast paced infectious music to tap along to
  • The big 7 in the kettle bell training system
  • Squats, cleans, snatches, windmills and Turkish get up’s galore

Who is this class suitable for?

Anyone looking to strengthen, sculpt and tone their bodies while losing weight, any age 16+ welcome, if you have any serious knee or shoulder issues give us a call before taking part just so we can check it will be suitable as part of your injury rehab programme.

  • Prices


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Really benefiting from the classes I have been taking. I can now see a difference !! The guys taking the classes are fantastic, professional whilst still making the classes fun and friendly. Great mix of other people in each class.... Well worth giving it a go !!
Bini Barnes - Vfit Member