Wadebridge Mini Triathlon

11:00 am

28th June 2014

Wadebridge Mini Triathlon – A brand new event for children aged 8-14 years at Wadebridge Leisure Centre.

Wadebridge Mini Triathlon – A brand new event for children aged 8-14 years at Wadebridge Leisure Centre.

The Wadebridge Mini Triathlon is the third event in the brand new 2014 Cornwall Mini Triathlon Series and takes place at Wadebridge Leisure Centre.

Event Details

Event Location: Wadebridge Leisure Centre

Start: 1pm (TBC)

Registration: 11am – 1pm (TBC)

Entry Fee: £16

Ages: 8-14

There will be trophies for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd boy and girl in each age group and a medal and T-shirt for every competitor.

Please read the Event Documentation page prior to entry and the British Triathlon Competition Rules For Children’s Events (download on right-hand side of this page).

– See more at: http://www.whatsoncornwall.co.uk/sport/wadebridge-mini-triathlon#sthash.6KD7kuIz.dpuf

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