Bikini Beach Body Challenge 2017

12:00 pm

20th May 2017

Vfit Summer Challenge

I know most of us have the best intentions in the world when it comes to continuing training over summer BUT in reality as soon as the sun comes out we follow the scent of BBQ to the nearest beach and relax for a few beers.

This summer we’ve come up with a fab challenge to help keep you on the wagon.


We’ll be lining you all up for a mass Bikini/swimwear photo shoot on week 1 then packing you off for 8 weeks with an exercise tracker and diet plan. All you need to do is ensure you participate in 4 sessions a week (over 4 different days) of fitness classes or running/cycling and get it stamped/signed off by your class instructor or another person that can verify you have trained.

After the 8 weeks we’ll all meet back at vfit for a mass AFTER bikini/swimwear photo shoot and celebrate our new slimmer, sexier, stronger selves!

-Men and women both welcome
-Price; £15 for members, £20 for non members
-Diet and fitness tracker included
-pre and post bikini pics to keep you on the wagon
-Pre and post weigh in and measurements

If you’re interested please email you name and mobile number to

We can’t wait to get started with you.

The Vfit Instructor Team!

Loving bootcamp. Anyone thinking of trying it I say do it! I hadnt exercised since having my little one but this has given me the butt kicking to get going!
Charlotte Poole - Vfit Bootcamper