NicolaTregidgo – Vfit Member

Absolutely loving retro aerobics and body pump!! I have always hated exercise but Cath and Vicky make the classes so much fun and I really look forward to each session. Now looking forward to going to the new 90’s and 00’s disco dance classes with Jade !! Xx

I love the attitude, atmosphere and vision. From the first week I joined the vfit Bootcamp, I did wonder what I let myself in for. Every week did get harder, but so did I. The rewards speak for yourself. You get out what you put in. Vicky, Mel, Trev and Kath Hugh thank you. Love my new health style change. Although I will be eating the occasion pasty. The diet and nutrition plan is so easy to follow, and I've not starve myself, and energy to burn. I'll keep the good work, thank you for giving me the push start to the new me. Love Hayley x
Hayley Stringer - Vfit Bootcamper